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TLV Victory in Unfair Competition Verdict on Free Float® Steam Traps, Supreme Court of Turkey Affirms Decision

January 9, 2025

We are pleased to announce our success in a civil lawsuit against a Turkish manufacturer and distributor, who unlawfully imitated TLV's Free Float® steam trap. The Republic of Turkey's Supreme Court has upheld the decision, confirming TLV’s claims.

Background of the lawsuit

Since 1996, TLV has sold J3X series steam traps using the Free Float® trademark around the world, including Turkey. In April 2017, we discovered that Ayvaz had imitated our products and was manufacturing and selling them under the trade names SK-40, SFK-40, and SFKD-40, and filed a lawsuit in the Intellectual Property Civil Court of the Republic of Turkey seeking an injunction against their manufacture and sale. In the first instance court decision in October 2019, our legal claim against Ayvaz for its unfair competition was approved. Subsequently, after an appeals court ruling, the final judgment was confirmed by the Supreme Court in 2024.

1. Defendant

A manufacturer and distributor of imitation products (Ayvaz, Republic of Turkey)

2. Defendant's product

Steam traps manufactured and sold by the defendant: SK-40, SFK-40, SFKD-40

3. TLV product

TLV's J3X series Free Float® steam trap

4. Details of claim

Injunction against manufacture and sale of the subject product by the defendant, etc.

5. Court

First instance: Intellectual Property Civil Court of the Republic of Turkey 
Second Instance: Regional Court of Appeal of the Republic of Turkey 
Third Instance: Supreme Court of the Republic of Turkey

6. Date of Judgment

First instance: October 2, 2019 
Second instance: July 12, 2021 
Third instance: August 29, 2024 

7. Summary of Judgment

The court concluded that Ayvaz’s products unlawfully imitated the form of TLV’s Free Float® series, constituting unfair competition.

TLV's Free Float® Steam Trap 
Model J3X

We respect the court's ruling and remain committed to promoting a fair competitive environment. We will continue to deliver high-quality products and services to our customers.