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  4. Extended Stall Calculator Now Available


Extended Stall Calculator Now Available

TLV is pleased to announce the release of the Extended Stall Chart Calculator (ESC) on www.TLV.com. The ESC was first released in Chemical Engineering magazine, November 2004, and republished in Chemical Engineering Progress magazine, July 2021.


TLV is pleased to announce the release of “The Extended Stall Chart Calculator” (ESC).

The ESC charts the estimated pressure profile supplied by an inlet steam control valve to estimate the demand load percentage where the HX equipment outlet pressure is equal to the system back pressure. That intersection is the Stall Point upon which either sufficient fill head over a trap is needed to discharge condensate, or a pump or pump/trap system is needed to discharge condensate into a pressurized return line or lift.

The ESC Stall Point calculator and related webinars can be accessed at the following links:

An explanation for using the stall calculator is attached.

SymbolInput Data
P1Pressure before the ISC valve
P2Pressure exiting the control valve and entering the reboiler/heat exchanger/coil
P3Exit steam pressure at the inlet of the steam trap after incurring pressure drop in the reboiler/heat exchanger/coil (plus head)
P4Backpressure against which the trap must discharge

The stall point results are displayed with oversurfacing and without.

Explanation of “The Extended Stall Chart Calculator” (ESC).