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  3. 2023 Steam Bulletin
  4. No. 63

Steam Bulletin

No. 63

Steam Bulletin

Is My Steam Trap Leaking?

Steam Bulletin is TLV's free bimonthly email magazine on steam systems, energy efficiency, product selection, and more.

Are you having trouble working out whether it's flash steam being discharged or live steam leaking from your steam trap? You're not alone.

Our latest article, "Is My Steam Trap Leaking? Distinguishing between Flash Steam and Steam Leaks," is all about understanding the differences between the steam discharge of traps in various conditions. Our goal is to help you identify when traps are leaking, and when they are not, to help you better manage your steam trap population

We've also included a few videos demonstrating steam traps of different types and under different operating conditions. These practical examples will show you what to look out for in your own steam lines and processes, and help you make an informed assessment when facing a potential steam leak without a steam trap inspection tool at hand.

That decision could be the difference between routine maintenance and an unexpected shutdown.

Remember, if you're experiencing troubles with your steam traps or have any concerns about steam discharge, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help!


TLV exhibits at FOOMA 2023

TLV had the opportunity to showcase our latest technology to more than 106,000 attendees at FOOMA Japan 2023, the world's largest comprehensive food manufacturing exhibition

The TLV booth was based on the “Steam Support Center” concept, and the main feature was SteamAqua, a steam-fired water heating unit capable of delivering potable, hot water in just 30 seconds. In addition, HeatSaver™, an energy-saving condensate and flash steam recovery system, was on display, and our steam specialist engineers were on hand to introduce the award-winning iBPSSM.net® monitoring service

We were delighted by the overwhelming interest our solutions received and all the questions that customers had for us. The event was a fantastic opportunity to connect with steam users and TLV customers alike, and to engage in insightful discussions on steam and maintenance solutions.

Product Focus

SR Series Steam Condensing
Heat Exchanger

Steam venting has been described as the “largest energy loss in steam systems” (Process Heating, March 2019)

In steam-using plants, flash steam from condensate receivers and supply water tanks and waste steam from production processes often still contain significant heat energy but are simply vented to the atmosphere.

The visible "steam clouds" not only contribute to a suboptimal work environment, but introduce unnecessary safety risks, and can also cause friction with the local community.

The SR is an atmospheric indirect heat exchanger, also known as a flash steam condenser, that recovers discarded thermal energy and enables the preheating of boiler supply water, water for washing and other applications. At the same time, SR takes care of those wasteful “steam clouds” on site.

Product availability and delivery times vary by region.
Contact your local TLV representative for details.

We hope you enjoyed this edition of Steam Bulletin.

If you need assistance with steam discharge, TLV can help. Contact our steam specialist staff to apply for a plant survey and/or consultation session.

Finally, make sure to follow TLV on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter for more regular news and updates, and our YouTube channel for video content.

Best regards,